Brands Essence of Chicken 41ml
Essence of Chicken is said to help reduce tiredness and improves concentration and a study has shown that by consuming it daily, it will boost our recovery from mental fatigue and is recognised as a promising candidate as an anti-fatigue food.
Product information
Rs. 1,001.00
Brands Essence of Chicken 41ml
The essence of Chicken is said to help reduce tiredness and improves concentration and a study has shown that by consuming it daily, it will boost our recovery from mental fatigue and is recognized as a promising candidate as an anti-fatigue food.
Reviews for Brands Essence of Chicken 41ml
Essence of Chicken is said to help reduce tiredness and improves concentration and a study has shown that by consuming it daily, it will boost our recovery from mental fatigue and is recognised as a promising candidate as an anti-fatigue food.
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Q&A for Brands Essence of Chicken 41ml
Essence of Chicken is said to help reduce tiredness and improves concentration and a study has shown that by consuming it daily, it will boost our recovery from mental fatigue and is recognised as a promising candidate as an anti-fatigue food.